Leaving a voicemail may seem like a repetitive task that rarely sees results. If your sales team can focus and improve upon the strategic tips below, your team will quickly notice a positive impact on the rate at which potential customers engage with your brand and return missed calls. Implementing tactics that capture undivided attention and ensure a high-quality message will allow your sales team’s voicemail strategy to become significantly more effective, leading to higher close and response rates.

Set the tone

To clarify the reason behind your call, you need to let customers know the who, when, where, and why. Providing a clear context will help your customers remember you and create a great reason to return your call. Once you have established your connection with your customer, you then need to be clear about the value you are offering them. Instead of offering vague suggestions, tell your customers exactly how they can improve with the help of your services. Asking for what you want is the only way to get closer to achieving your goal.

Be confident

Voicemails already have low return rates, so make sure you provide your customers with a reason to make your voicemail the exception. Embodying a positive attitude and a confident demeanor will grab attention and appeal to your customers. On top of possessing an enthusiastic tone, you will also need to be specific about your desires. Providing clear information regarding dates, times and durations will not only help the customer know exactly what you want but will portray your organizational skills and determination to connect with them.

leaving voicemail messages.

Keep it short and sweet

Try to keep your voicemail under 30 seconds. This time period is long enough to share your information without losing your customers’ attention. 30 seconds allows you to add your personal touch to the message as well. Creating a conversational tone will help your customers feel at ease and reduce the turn-off created from a traditional sales call. Keeping your timeframe within 30 seconds will also make it easier on voicemail automation. Combining personalization, speed and consistency becomes much easier when you are working for a shorter length of time.

Double up

Even though you want to keep your voicemail on the shorter side, it is important to make sure that you do not skimp on content. You need to establish a connection, be confident, and share relevant information – all in 30 seconds. On top of that, you need to make sure you repeat your name, company, and phone number twice. This information is incredibly essential to ensuring reconnection, so you should provide this information more than once. This vitality also requires slow and pronounced speaking. Keeping it concise and making it clear is key to having customers return your call.

Do your research

Even if you keep all of the above tactics in mind when leaving voicemails, if you have not done the appropriate research, you still may not see the results you desire. You can start by analyzing your own data with various metrics, such as a number of follow-ups received after a voicemail is left. In this scenario, you could set a timeframe that will let you determine how many calls were and were not returned. Noticing significant factors and trends in this data can help you determine your voicemail strategy focus. For example, suppose one person seems to get a response rate more frequently. In that case, you can listen to their voicemails and determine which strategies can be applied to optimize voicemail messages amongst your entire company.

Wrapping it up

Once you have determined the most appropriate voicemail strategy for your company, you can implement pre-recorded messages. Pre-recorded messages are a great way to ensure that you are leaving a consistent message that includes all of the best practices mentioned above. It not only saves time, but a pre-recorded message ensures that you have communicated all the necessary details each time. It is nearly impossible to have all of your callers leave perfect voicemails every time, so this will ensure you that personal factors will not affect voicemails. A great way to enhance this strategy is to have employees pre-record several voicemails left on-demand during the lead generation process. Several services can be utilized in this process, and many even integrate directly into your customer relationship management strategies.

A great way to capitalize on current inbound leads is by improving your voicemail strategy. Take note of ways to improve upon your tactics and continually measure outcomes to achieve maximum effectiveness. Implementing these new and efficient methods company-wide is the final step to achieving positive results in your voicemail efforts.

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